The Lord Jesus

All of Psalm 78 is of the Lord Jesus speaking, it was a prophecy written down by King David a thousand years before Jesus was born on this earth.

As you can see above the Servant David has gone astray like a lost sheep and is seeking help from the Lord. The Lord is Jesus, you can clearly see that if you read the New Testament and then read the book of Psalms.

Some of the so-called Jews in Israel today are lost sheep that never want to be found. They are just making things even more confusing for the generations to come. Let’s hope these people never grow in numbers and let’s hope they find Jesus soon.

This prophecy will never happen again but the Jews who do not believe Jesus was the Messiah will never see the light. But this prophecy about the Servant David is happening today and will never happen again.

The Jews who claim the Psalms are King David speaking about himself are liars. It is the Servant David who is speaking mostly in the Psalms that is the apple of the Lord’s eye.

Psalm 42, 43, and 44 I believe are of Jesus while he was on this earth. He never had the dream because he is the Lord that this bible speaks of, The Holy One of Israel, The LORD, The LORD Thy God. I do not think he realized that at the time. I believe Jesus just like all of us, was born here and only knew what he learned in life and what his mom and dad told him. There are a few other Chapters that are of Jesus as well. Most of the book is about the Servant David who is greatly afflicted by God because of his sins.

If chapters 42, 43, and 44 are not of the Lord Jesus, then it is someone else that comes in the future from the Line of Jacob. The Psalms may be many prophecies from this one bloodline of King David.

The Servant David from the book of Psalms serves Jesus.

The Servant David Speaks of the Lord Jesus all Throughout the Book of Psalms

All of Psalm Chapter 65 is of the Servant David speaking about Jesus