Book of Isaiah

The Book of Isaiah is closely tied to the Book of Psalms so I will list on this page verses and chapters tied back to the book of Psalm. The servant that it speaks of in the bible is Israel but sometimes it is speaking about one servant in particular, the servant David from the book of Psalms which is the seed of King David.

Most of the Book of Isaiah is The LORD speaking to the people of Israel which are a people that have been scattered among the nations. Some of them were scattered after the sack of Israel in 536 BC when the first Babylon took over their land and again in 68 AD after the Romans took over Israel and stole their Holy Scrolls.

As I have stated up above, most of the book of Isaiah is the LORD Jesus speaking all throughout it but sometimes it is the seed of David speaking from the book of Psalms. When you read the book of Psalms, it is a story (prophecy) happening today about the seed of David having a dream of the Lord seeking his face early and repenting of his sins before Gods wrath has come down upon the different Nations for their wickedness.

The future prophecy that the Israelites were trying to pass down to generation to generation was the Book of Psalms. There are many books tied back to the book of Psalms not just Isaiah. The 5 main books other than the Psalms are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.

The 12 books of the minor prophets are Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

The Book of Isaiah is another book where the servant David is speaking, and The LORD Jesus is speaking. Most of this Book is the LORD Jesus speaking, so I will not list those below.

Isaiah 25, Isaiah 26,

Important Verses from the Book of Isaiah