The Israelites were black people who were slaves in the land of Egypt. I would say they were of a mixed black people, but they were black none the less. The evidence is all around us, in the land of Egypt where they have paintings of them working in the city.
The Israelites During the Times of David
I had a dream about The Lord Jesus, and he was most defiantly not a white man. He was a light skinned black man who looked a little strange. I have also had dreams and visions of King David, and he was a light skinned black man as well who looked even stranger then Jesus did, David had no lips whatsoever and a very wide mouth. The Israelites who lived back in days of David were black people with different skin tones. There is no one alive today who looks the way that they did, except for some of the American Indians such as Geronimo. The light skinned black Israelites came to America sometime after the sacking of Israel by the Babylonian Empire in 539 BC.
The True American Indians before the Israelites came here, were jacked up black guys with straight thick black hair and a nice dark skin tone. They had so much muscle that they could grab your arm and probably rip it off of your body with a good pull. The Israelites mixed in with these people and got straight hair but kept their darker skin tone. Thats why so many American Indians today have different looks as well, some like Geronimo didn’t have lips on them because they probably line-bred a little and mixed in with other mixed Israelites.
Everyone that lives today looks more like normal black people with rounded noses and lips. I am like 100% certain we should have some color to our skin.
American Indian Geronimo